the special pathogen network

Denver Health is the FEMA Region 8 Regional Treatment Center. As a Regional Treatment Center Denver Health is required to:

Regional Treatment Center
Denver Health

  • Accept patients within eight hours of being notified

  • Have the capacity to treat at least two Ebola/Special Pathogens patients at the same time

  • Have respiratory infectious disease isolation capacity or negative pressure rooms for at least 10 patients

  • Be able to treat pediatric patients with Ebola/Special Pathogens or other infectious diseases or partner with a neighboring facility to do so

  • Be able to safely handle Ebola/Special Pathogens-contaminated or other highly contaminated infectious waste
  • Conduct quarterly trainings and exercises

  • Receive an annual readiness assessment from the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC), composed of experts from health care facilities that have safely and successfully cared for patients with Ebola in the U.S., and funded by ASPR and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to ensure clinical staff is adequately prepared and trained to safely treat patients with Ebola/Special Pathogens and other infectious diseases